Verkauft: Traumhaftes 7.5-Zimmer-Einfamilienhaus mit Gartenoase nähe Golfplatz Schönenberg
Während dem COVID-Lockdown haben wir den Verkauf des sonnig gelegenen Einfamilienhauses mittels einer virtuellen Tour und eines Drohnenfilms am Markt angeboten. In nur wenigen Monaten konnte der Verkauf zum gewünschten Preis erfolgreich abgewickelt werden.
Testimonial des zufriedenen Auftraggebers:
“We had left Switzerland and were unable to return to manage the house sale due to the COVID 19 pandemic. We engaged with Ms. Christine Bodmer to help us with the marketing and viewing of the property. We entrusted Ms. Bodmer to manage everything from preparing the house for pictures, to giving her power of attorney to manage the whole notarisation process. In short, Ms. Bodmer paid attention to every detail, was professional and thorough in her communication with us, and it resulted in the successful sale of the property at the right price well within our needed timeline. I recommend Ms. Bodmer to clients wishing for professional and trustworthy support in selling their property”
Mark Murphy, UK